Children's Dental Services in QLD
Children’s dental services
Children dental services include:
- Ongoing maintenance and checkups
- Dental examinations
- Early orthodontic intervention
- Oral treatments
- Mouthguards
Your children. Our passion.
Our dental professionals are passionate about the health of our children’s teeth. In addition to offering children’s dental services, we’re also dedicated to education and good practice promotion.
We’ll help you educate your children about basic oral hygiene, the importance of clean, healthy smiles and easy habits to form to help take care of their teeth and gums.
By promoting good oral hygiene practises in young children, they’ll be best empowered to take control of their own health and wellbeing and prevent issues and diseases from developing down the line.
Checkups for children
Regular dental checkups are important for everyone, but especially for children. It helps reinforce and maintain home-related hygiene habits, such as routine teeth brushing and other regular healthy practices. The more right behaviours your children get into the habit of, the fewer dental problems they will have when they are older.
Trusting environment
Scary visits to the dentists are–fortunately–a thing of the past. Coming to visit your family dentist shouldn’t be anything other than relaxing and comfortable. By investing in a trusting relationship with our child patients, we’re able to ensure that any fears or anxiety they have about their trip to the dentists are alleviated.
We engage and talk to children on their level and in a way that helps them feel comfortable and in control throughout the dental procedure.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
As part of our full service family offering, we are participating in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).
What does this mean for you? It allows you, and your children, if eligible to access $1,000 worth of dental treatments, over a two-year period.
Thanks to the CDBS, ensuring all children are provided with essential dental services is now easier than ever. We’re proud to be supporters of this initiative and would love to see you and your children take advantage of the offering.
There are a range of services available under the CDBS including:
Fissure sealant
Root canals
Fissure sealant
Root canals
At this present time, orthodontic and cosmetic procedures are not covered under the scheme and some restrictions to the above services do apply. To find out more about the schedule or to discover whether you and your children are eligible, visit the CDBS website today.
Book in your child today