The Steps of Wisdom Tooth Surgery

There are many reasons why you may need a wisdom tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to appear in the mouth. Commonly occurring between the ages of 17 and 25, wisdom teeth often do not  fit in the mouth, causing impacted wisdom teeth and potential pain or discomfort. This is often due to mouth crowding and, commonly, your wisdom teeth will need to be removed. Some people, however, experience no problems at all with their wisdom teeth and do not even undergo wisdom teeth growth at all. You may experience no problems when your wisdom teeth erupt and if this is the case, they will not need to be removed. It is, however, important to see a dentist at the first signs of discomfort and track the process of wisdom teeth to avoid any worsening issues in future.


When Does Wisdom Tooth Removal Occur?

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, they may:


  • Grow at an angle, impacting the second molar
  • Grow at an angle, impacting the back of the mouth
  • Grow at a right angle, impacting the jawbone
  • Grow straight up but stay trapped in the gums


You may need a wisdom tooth removal if you are experiencing:


  • Tooth pain
  • Trapped food at the back of the mouth
  • Infection or gum disease
  • Tooth decay
  • Damage to nearby bones
  • Development of a cyst
  • Othodonotic complications


Steps That an Oral Surgeon Takes in Extraction

When selecting a local oral surgeon for the procedure, it is important to choose a local, family dental clinic that you can trust. Here at Ipswich Family Dental Practice, we pride ourselves on our experienced oral surgeons, our informative dental nurses and our family-concentrated practice.


Before your procedure, we will give you the option of a local anaesthetic or a general anaesthetic. Depending on your specific needs, a local anaesthetic and an in-chair procedure may be appropriate, where you stay conscious throughout the procedure. However, a general anaesthetic where you lose consciousness may be preferred. In both cases, the steps of the wisdom tooth extraction are as follows:


  • An incision in the gums is made, exposing the tooth and bone
  • The bone is removed if it is blocking access to tooth rot
  • The tooth may be removed in sections, with tooth extractors
  • The site is cleaned of any debris
  • The wound is stitched closed to promote healing
  • Gauze is placed over the wound


Ipswich Family Dental Practice is the local expert in wisdom tooth removal. We have dental clinics in both Ipswich and Brassall in Queensland and can offer you options when it comes to removing your wisdom teeth to keep you comfortable and confident in the procedure. Whether you choose general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic, our experienced oral surgeons will guide you through the process in an informative and sensitive way. Book an appointment online for a check-up today or contact our local practices in Queensland.

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